SociaL BeiNg..
Pacifier and the human to be,
Marking smiling victories..
Handling like babies,
Ms Ruchi has all forms of guiding recipes..
Streaming through storm's and swording with one eye thief's,
Held the flag high and facilitated the army..
The sword of a facilitator,
Writing like a mighty creator..
Nan-di- less is the specky walk,
And vocals are echoed in the room across...
Pri and the Preeti, she is the crowning beauty..
Fainted by her smile,
students mesmerize this cutie..
Blossoming through the doors,
And knocking the daily chores...
Shaleen is her aura and perfection in her duties..
Mri is the wake up call,
Wants perfection overall..
Stern and Steady for her duty,
Likes Pakistani beauties..
Parul and Peace,
She is the one who merely speaks..
Sleekly crafting her goals,
Moreover she is the mother of all..
United we stand, Divide we get stronger...
Hold on days, something's last longer..
Humanity in our fraternity,
We are the Sensational Social,
Known for our Eternity..

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