Look Up.. o^o

Topic: Housing.com

Life teaches you lesson, 
Lessons gives you life…
At the end of the day, 
you know you have survived…

Every step on the pathway to the destination needs motivation. A look up attitude, leaving grudges and grievances on the doorway of you haters and moving ahead with a packet of positivity. When life gives you an opportunity don’t search for if, but, maybe... grab the offer, you never know if the terms and conditions changes with your answer.

My life was at a dip of disappointments from relationships, from job, from having a vague future and surely lost confidence. Each day I moved from my home with a dull face, not by the Delhi pollution but of my depressed state deteriorated my health. Sure movies give you the idea that miracles tend to happen. No, I didn’t win any lottery nor any charming prince proposed me but there came a change in my life. The spark I was looking for, one strength of motivation to guide me.

One day at the library I encountered a book; don’t know what attracted me to that mere book out of the volume of publications. But surely it was that moment of movies where a halo around that book attracted me and came an angel in my life. “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” might sound an ordinary book to change ones stream, but it surely gave volume to my running water stress.

A gripping book which could have been finished in 2 days max, but I wanted to absorb the ideas so I took each chapter one day and read it realizing lost times. It gave me strength, it changed my ideas. While I was looking for motivation from the world, actually it resided within ME. It was not the world but me who was attracting the negativity. A change strikes me and I followed a new pattern to life.

 I started my day with a thought of gratitude, drove to workplace singing along, ignored the traffic, enjoyed the gift we have in our environment. When someone approached with shouting and nagging, I used to take the lighter side and even calm the other person. At the end all things are worked up. Your nagging won’t make it quick, rather spoil your moment. Gratitude in each moment and change in slightest of my pattern brought about a change in my life. If not much at least think of just good thoughts, it makes a great deal to attract one.

Today I am contented at the thought of the day I took that book. Within a year surely my life has seen growth and it doesn’t affect me if people prefer leaving my life. I know the good follows and I am happy with all that I have. Remember, someone out there is wishing for the life you have.
So Cherish moments, Look Up and Live Up.



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