The Real AnGry biRd..

Every morning something outside the door attracts my attention. Peeping through the window I see birds singing the Sound of Music.They bring me Smile and the spirit of a fresh young morning.

Among the common birds found in India, one of the most peculiar chirping sound in your garden would be a a bunch of BABBLERs.
Babblers are most active birds that you will notice around your gardens or nearby forested area.They usually move in a group of 5 to 10 birds.They are noisy and have loud two-note whistle, which attracts your attention from a distance.They are highly social seen always with bunch of buddies.Usually moving in groups they are given a name "Saath Bhai" which was translated in english as "Seven sisters"

Where in our busy lives we dont have time to notice birds, flora or the nature around.These birds teach us what real Friendship is.

So the next time u wake up, Do peep out of the window and admire the beauty of the Nature..!!


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